Test Prep & Test Taking

Preparing for Exams


The purpose of the Preparing for Exams presentation is to assist students in developing an effective system to study for their classes. Many students state that they study, but few have developed a comprehensive plan.


This presentation is perfect for a 50-minute or 75-minute course.

Anticipatory Set

The purpose of an anticipatory set is to allude to concepts students may recognize, serve as an introduction to the lesson, and generate interest in the material.

Option 1: Test Anxiety Quiz - This short quiz allows students to measure their stress level before, during, and after taking a test.

Option 2: Pair & Share - Students should be asked to write for three minutes on the prompt: "How do you study?" When time is exhausted, they should turn to a partner to discuss. When discussion dies down, address the group and ask them how they study while writing relevant points made on the board.

Possible Presentations

Preparing for Tests - Five-Day Schedule - This presentation offers a five-day study plan that works best with recognition (multiple choice, true false, matching) tests.

Test Preparation - This presentation offers a general overview for preparing for exams.

Preparing for Exams Notes - Lecture presentations in pdf format. These notes supplement both presentations.

Possible Handouts

Five-Day Plan - Details in one page the plan offered in the presentation above.

Prep for Exams - A one-page document listing the important points when preparing for a test.

Ten Traps of Studying - This two-page document details some of the excuses students make to avoid studying.

Test Anxiety - A one-page document analyzing ways to reduce test anxiety.

The Study Cycle - a one-page document from LSU's Center for Academic Success and developed by Saundra Yancy McGuire that details an effective study plan.

Taking Tests


The purpose of the Taking Tests presentation is to assist students with navigating testing situations while lessening their apprehension.


This presentation is perfect for a 50-minute or 75-minute course.

Anticipatory Set

The purpose of an anticipatory set is to allude to concepts students may recognize, serve as an introduction to the lesson, and generate interest in the material.

Option 1: Cluss Test Taking Pop Quiz - This quick anticipatory set establishes that multiple choice tests can be taken quite easily if one understands the way tests are constructed. Cluss test is available in pdf format.

Option 2: Color Test - The color test anticipatory set is intended to illustrate how our brain, under stress, fights its impulses. To conduct the test, print a copy for each student in color. The students pair up and take turns reading the color, not the word.

Possible Presentations

Test Taking - A comprehensive presentation detailing all aspects of taking tests, including navigating the test, test stress management, and more.

Finals Week - A reduced version of the Test Taking presentation focusing only on finals week.

Possible Handouts

Brochure - Celebrations of Learning - A brochure detailing test stress, test taking tips, and more. The brochure also includes the test anxiety quiz.

Relaxation Techniques - A two-page document offering five relaxation techniques students can use while taking a test.

Desired Outcomes

  • Students will have concrete learning strategies in order to retain information.
  • Students will be able to articulate a solid study plan.
  • Students will understand the source of their test anxiety.
  • Students will view the test taking process differently.
  • Students will seek opportunities to discuss test taking strategies with their teachers.

Additional Resources

Research on Learning Strategies

For Learning Strategies

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